Abstract: The modular design propose fire fighting scenarios based training system on virtual reality platform. The main objectives of this work is to provide information concerning fire incident and how to deal with this critical situation as realistic as possible. The players interact with this system by means of virtual reality head-mounted display and our custom controller that mimic the fire extinguisher. The robotic vehicle is loaded with fire extinguisher which is controlled over wireless communication to throw chemicals. A Raspberry pi tiny computer is used for the desired operation. At the Controlling end, Mobile phone commands of accelerometer and gyrometer sensor s are sent to the VR Glass using an Android app with a protocol TELNET to control the movement of the robot either to move forward, backward and left or right etc. The instructions are send to the robotic section using wireless communication protocol. At receiving end five motors are interfaced to the Raspberry pi where two of them are servo motors for pan and tilt controlling of the camera and other three are used for robot movement and fire extinguisher control. A fire extinguisher is mounted on the robot body and its operation is carried out from the Raspberry pi output through appropriate signal from the transmitting end. A camera is interfaced with Raspberry pi and the output carried through WiFi module which captures the images in a Virtual Reality platform.
Keywords: Virtual reality, Robotics, Raspberry pi, Wifi.